We Are Visionaries
Transforming the future of health care with our innovative cold chain technology.
Vaccine wastage is said to occur in a vaccination program if the product (i.e. vaccine) is lost before the administration to the general public. There are many reasons for vaccine wastage, the major ones being wastage during transportation, expiration, storage errors or contamination after opening vial. In Australia the main reason for vaccine wastage was cold chain failure for vaccines requiring refrigeration. While the CDC requires wasting reports after a vaccine arrives at a facility, there is little or no data that details the loss due to cold chain failure accurately reported.
Early-stage vaccines can significantly slow, if not eliminate, a global pandemic. Wastage must be minimized to the greatest extent possible. A multi-temperature, passive carrier is currently not commercially available that can hold the cold for an extended period.
Research & Technology
We leverage decades of research and development experience to create novel approaches to vaccine shipments.
CryoIce Vaccine Carrier (CVC)
Proven and Reliable (patent pending)
A passive, novel approach that maintains a very specific temperature required by the vaccine that needs to be transported for extended periods of time. The carriers can carry up to 96 vials and can be transported by any conventional method including by backpack or drone. It is safe, simple, easy to use and has no off gas, so it is safe to travel in any plane, bus, or boat. Data loggers are utilized to guarantee that the proper temperature was maintained throughout the travel.
CryoIce Battery
Core Innovation
This innovative design allows for different temperatures to be set and maintained for extended time periods. With no off gas, it is simple and safe to use. This passive refrigeration device allows vaccines to be carried via any transportation system including backpacks and drones.
CryoIce Recharging Unit. (in development)
Two approaches to recharging the battery
For hospitals and laboratories that utilize ultra-cold freezers, existing systems can potentially be used to recharge the CryoIce batteries saving both space and money. For larger installations a dedicated recharging unit should be utilize. A standard recharging unit can be used to charge up to eight batteries all of which can be charged to different tempertures.
For more than 40 years the team at CryoIce has been innovating neew technologies for the betterment of humanity.
Cody Bateman
Co-Founder of CryoIce